Friends of Githabai

Make a difference for children and young people in Githabai - Kenya



Room concert 2021

GITHABAI'S FRIENDS are arranging a house concert
Friday, November 12 at 19.00
In the old "Brugs" in Arløse: Hindholmvej 10, 4262 Sandved.

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Dear members, sponsors and friends of Githabai's Friends
We are delighted that FLEMMING FUGLSANG our local singer,
poet, musician, humorist and good friend of the association Githabais Friends
please have chosen to donate a house concert
for the benefit of the children at Githabai Primary School.

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(click for large image)

TThanks to Flemming as well as members and supporters of Githabai's Friends for an enjoyable and rewarding evening for the benefit of the children at Githabai.
The profits and the donated funds will be used to purchase a 10,000 l plastic water tank to collect rainwater from the school's roofs for use in the washbasin.



Kenya night at the Flower Shop

Live concert with Vimmerfuglen

January 24, 2019 Tjærby Assembly House

Cozy afternoon with exciting lectures on the association's background and projects by Karen and very interested audience.
Fine sale of the Kenyan goods such as wooden birds and fabric.